Output / Result 2


A Handbook with ideas and concrete activities for academics to see how they can help first-year students engage, persist and succeed in higher education

“How can I help my first-year students engage, persist & succeed?” Handbook


The handbook will feature a collection of concrete activities and ideas academics teaching in different programmes can use to:

– help first-year students learn to learn in ways required in higher education, and/or

– revise their own approaches to assessment, learning & teaching, in order to make higher education more inclusive and set diverse students up for success.


The handbook is to be used primarily by academics who teach first-year students. However, it can also help those facilitating professional development at higher education institutions, since research-based ideas will be contextualised for different disciplines and expressed in language clear to those not trained as educators.


Language: English


Expected upload date: January 2025.

To know more – join START Dissemination Events in March 2025 (registration link will be shared here).



Critically using and creating knowledge by engaging with disciplinary discourses and formulating arguments